I thought I’d show you how I work at a table easel….today was a larger pastel than normal.  I’m hoping to get the last of the stuff arranged or removed from this small bedroom so I can set up my studio easel.  I haven’t worked on it in over a year, but I have some larger work in progress (or at least in the queue) and they are much better done on a regular easel.

By the way, does anyone know where all this stuff comes from?


3 Responses to “Studio – sort of”

  1. thom says:

    As I understand it, garden gnomes store all their junk in our art spaces. It’s just such convenient access for them…

  2. Leila Schnyder says:

    Thom’s note about garden gnomes was very cute. I see a serious artist here ready to go!
    Very well organized! Happy brush marks ahead, HI HO Silver!


  3. admin says:

    Thanks, – I’d hope to get the easel up this weejk, but forgot to look at my calendar. I’m driving to Brentwood today and then to Cedars (B.H.) tomorrow and the next day. Makes me want to take a nap!

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