Fall Leaves

Fall leaves 12-1-09One of the things I most enjoy about watercolor is that I don’t have complete control over the medium.  I see incredible true-to-life paintings that floor me, but I actually like the stage I’m at.  Sometimes the paintings turn out pretty much what I envisioned, and other times they take on a life of their own.  Today’s is one of those.  But I like it.   Just as before, this was done in my 7 X 9 sketch book filling the page essentially, and using my Winsor Newton travel kit.

Unlike many areas of the country, Southern California is not into winter yet…..and may not be by Christmas….we’re never sure.   But Fall has finally graced our streets and the wonderful yellow, oranges and reds are towering over all.   Enjoy.

2 Responses to “Fall Leaves”

  1. Leila Schnyder says:

    Lovely colors and it looks as if they are falling down the paper even tho’ they are still connected to the branch.
    I had a small bouquet of Japanese maple leaves of the same exact shade in the house before Thanksgiving.

  2. thom says:

    i feel the same way about watercolors. Of course I tended to work pretty abstractly to begin with. Conversely, my only real watercolor TRAINING has been in a genre that really gnashes its teeth at the medium: architectural watercoloring. All that work to try and make the watercolor perform to exact detail… ugh… I found I enjoyed it, but only after I learned where to control the paint and where to let it flow…
    The leaves are beautiful, by the way!

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