Pidgeon in flight1-1-24-10

Pidgeon in flight2-1-24-10

Now, if I had put this in a painting, you’d say…..never happen, make it real.    But, my friends it IS real and it’s all cloud….no jet stream.      I kept calling it a pidgeon, but then I wasn’t sure that calling it a dove didn’t sound better.      Until it dawned on me…….of course!    It’s a seagul.   (Flying about 5 miles from the coast).  I think it’s perfect.

One Response to “It’s a bird! No, it’s a plane! No, actually it’s a cloud!!!”

  1. thom says:

    this was really cool. Eveually it will make it’s way to the long email photo series we pass around. You will be outraged! Or delighted.

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