Category: Landscapes

Blue Lagoon – Pastel

11″ X 14″ Pastel on watercolor paper; mostly Sennlier, Girault, Art Spectrum and Terry Ludwigs.

I believe I started this painting two years ago.  Got down just below the lagoon and couldn’t decided what I wanted it to look like.  I’ve been doing more and more landscapes from memory (?) or imagination, so if there’s anything that you can’t find the botanical name for……..I’ll make one up.

I put so many layers on the paper that I had to actually remove some to change color in certain areas.  This would have been the perfect piece to use my newly found method of painting the first layer of pastel on, but since I had started in the pre-water method, I felt compelled to stay with it.

I was sorry I had made that decision when I got to the bottom, but I just chugged on through.  I can certainly see how setting up your forms with pastel then going over with water (or alcohol)  saves frustration with working on certain surfaces.  I’m going to move onto the more textured boards, etc. , next since I’ve been reading comments as to how many layers you can actually put on before the board just closes shop!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this.  Remember, comments are always welcome.

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100 Pastels

Well, I’m moving along….slowly……the pastels above are numbers 12, 13, 14 & 15 in my quest to meet the 100 pastel challenge that started on a website (Wet Canvas) last year.  The idea was to complete 100 identical (sort of) paintings, changing colors and exploring new choices.  It started with a post by a woman who said that legend has it that you really don’t know a medium until you have completed at least 100 paintings using it.

One very good point made during the discussions was that we sometimes get into a rut and reach for the same colors when painting similar subjects.  The challenge was to complete the 100 using the same size and design (didn’t have to be a landscape as anything would work) and in a limited time, so you wouldn’t get picky ….  just get those new, unfamiliar colors down and move on.

We all started with an line (vine charcoal in most cases) drawing and decided what rules we would follow.  I chose 5″ X 7″, with no more than 30 minutes allowed for each painting.

I really haven’t pushed myself to finish, turning to other projects as the muse whispered in my ear.  But, hopefully I’ll complete this in 2011…at least that’s my new goal.  At which time, I’ll post the entire 100 in a single shot.  I’m thinking of eventually making a poster.

Others that were on the pastel forum on Wet Canvas when this started finished long ago and their work is inspiring.    I hope you enjoy

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Mountain Path

On October 22nd, I took a demonstration class with Brenda Matson at the Arts & Materials Expo.  That  is held yearly in at the Pasadena, CA  Convention Center.  I try to take at least one half or full day class each year just to keep up with various teachers, products and approaches.

Brenda was demonstrating a method of pastel painting that has become more and more popular each year and that is using a underpainting and then finishing off with pastel.  I have read articles about artists using watercolor as the basis of the painting, but typically what is being done is drawing in a lose manner with pastels and then brushing them into the surface of the paper with either water or acetone (we used nail polish remover!). Some artists (like Brenda) change the color of the washes to approximate what she wants as a background.  Others, just use a dark brown or other color to indicate the darker areas in the finished painting.

Unlike some pastel artists that keep the painted background very loose, Brenda starts at the top of the painting and pretty much completes sections as she moves down by brushing in the pastel, waiting for it to dry and then going back over with her next layer of colors.  She works down from wet to dry to the bottom of the painting.  Brenda had a collection of photos she took in Maine this year and she used a seascape for her demonstration.

Once we saw how the brushing of the color into the surface simplified the next layer or layers, we were on our own. And I jumped into my usual way of working all over the scene….although I always start with the sky as well.   Not only was this the first time I had painted a pastel over a “painted” surface, but it was also the first time I used heavy grit paper.  I typically use Canson’s Mi Tientes, so this was truly like working on sand paper!

I have some other stock that I will be using to experiment with this process. Some companies have been producing boards with this surface, making handling and framing much easier than thinner paper.   The only problem is that since you are wetting the surface, it has to be at least of watercolor paper strength, so my Canson’s won’t really work.  Fortunately, there are more and more heavy, gritty papers being produced.

There have been many articles in the national magazines with discussions of creating your own rough surface by painting a layer of acrylic gesso with sand added onto heavy paper or boards.    In that case, you not only have created a surface that can hold many layers of pastel (a drawback of Canson’s paper), but you can even include brushstrokes as a way of adding texture.

This is definitely a process that I’ll be experimenting with as time goes on.


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100 Challenge nos. 10 & 11

Wow! it’s been awhile since I posted.  I didn’t realize how busy this fall was going to be.  It seems like every art organization and art magazines have competitions going on.  My local guild here in Lakewood will be holding their annual Fall Show this coming weekend.  I have 3 pastels that need to be matted and framed tomorrow.  I was hoping to get a fourth…perhaps a watercolor….done and turned in Thursday evening, but……………

This weekend is also the annual Art Learning and Product Expo being held in Pasadena.  I’ve signed up for a class Friday morning with Brenda Madson and I’m really looking forward to the new products, demonstrations and classes going on through Sunday.

The two paintings above are, of course, for my 100 paintings challenge…..where I’m determined to complete 100 pastels of the same approximate scene and size (5 X 7),  but done in 100 different color ways, etc.  I’ve even changed some of the background mountains into distant trees just for a kick.

My eventual goal will be a photo of all 100 paintings for a poster……..however, at this rate, I’m not sure if I won’t be having to come down in spirit to finish!     Never fear…after this month’s full plate of competitions, I’m going to set a schedule and GET THIS DONE!

Oh, and I just received my first official, written rejection letter from the Californian Art Club’s exhibition in conjunction with the South Pasadena Chamber of Commerce.  The “rejected” painting is just below and called “Above the Arroyo”.   I am going to frame this for posterity… certainly shows I’m trying!


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Pastel for Pasadena Exhibition

Titled:  Above the Arroyo

This is a 9 X 12 soft pastel on Canson’s Mi Tientes, using primarily Unisons.

This is my entry into the most recent call for exhibition submissions by the California Art Club.  This is in conjunction with the South Pasadena Chamber of Commerce.  Accepted paintings will be on display the SouthPas ArtFest  2010 from October 20 through November 13 at the SoPas Gallery, located at 1121 Mission Street, South Pasadena, CA.

The paintings were to be of South Pasadena and/or the Arroyo.  Unfortunately, the leaves haven’t really been changing a lot in the Arroyo and I wasn’t drawn to anything in particular, but this scene along the road that traverses the top of the Arroyo caught my eye.

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One Hundred pastels….almost

Over a year ago, I decided to join a group of artists on the website, Wet Canvas, and commit to completing 100 pastels of the same scene, same size.   Well, I started off with a bang and then, as usual, got side-tracked.   I’ve decided to back to the commitment and see if it’s possible for me to do this….after all there are many artists out there that have done it…..not all in pastel, some in watercolor, oil, etc.    Anyway, here are the first 8….count ‘em…..8 done as of this evening.   You’ve seen 6 of them earlier in the blog, but I’ve decided to shoot then in groups rather than one by one.   Enjoy  Oh, yes, they are all 5 X 7″ using various soft pastels.

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Autumn Cove

Finished this one this afternoon.  9 x 12 on Canson paper, various soft pastels, but mostly Unisons.  This is another one out of my imagination.  But, I have a couple of photos of scenes ready to use as beginnings for new ones.


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Autumn Cove – Part 1

Here’s the beginning of a new 9 X 12″  landscape in pastel.  I’ve been away for awhile and have a stack of photos and ideas for paintings, but today was just a landscape day…..even I don’t know what it’s going to look like when I finish because it’s all from my head.        Please enjoy!      (And remember, comments are more than welcome)

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Thinking of Eucalyptus

I’m still unsure of the trees, so I’ve been cleaning my room (I’d love to call it a studio, but that would be stretching it a bit) and just letting the painting simmer.  When I hit spots like this and I work on through, I end up sorry I rushed it………so, here’s what my painting looks like while waiting to be finished.   I know there is a photo of a cute, little dog sitting on the table easel along with a photo of local trees.  That’s Pango.  I think we are now officially attached at the hip or someplace else.  He had a bad ear infection a few weeks ago and it appears the medicine prescribed by our vet caused Bishi to go almost completely deaf.  He has always stuck by my side, but now there is an air of insecurity as well.    No….he didn’t put the photo there to remind me to watch for him….I just like to look at his photos when I’m working on other things.  Which currently is a reorganization of the material in this room.  I expect that when I’m finished and everything is in apple-pie order, I’ll be ready to finish the painting as well.

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Coast Sentinels Step Two

Well, it’s been awhile since I last posted.  Unfortunately, I pinched a nerve in my neck and haven’t been able to sit OR stand at an easel for awhile.   If you scroll down to before the post regarding the display at the bank,  you’ll see the first step in this study.  Hopefully, I’ll get it finished in the next day or two and move on.

I hope you enjoy!

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