Posts Tagged ‘Color’

East Oregon Autumn


I’ve been trying to work looser and had to stop myself from adding any more details.  I had some photos from years back that I combined and added a creek.  Hope you enjoy.

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Beardie in Pastel

Bearded Collie (Beardie to friends)  8 X 10 pastel

If you have read the blurb at the top of the blog, you will note that I always intended this blog to track what I’m doing at any given time.  I promised myself that I would post the day’s work whether I liked it or not, because, as I am sure you know, you learn more from your mistakes than anything else.

I’ve been concentrating on landscapes now for quite awhile and realized I hadn’t ventured into other areas.  I have also been thinking of  doing a painting of a Beardie since they have such an unusual appearance and I know three people who own them…one, my sister, who rescues them.

They are wonderful dogs with funny personalities.  They are definitely working dogs and love hearding.

Now, I have to say that I am not really happy with they painting, so I thought I’d post it anyway and critique it so you know my thoughts on the matter.

1.  I just jumped right in and now feel I should have completed a drawing first to make sure I was getting the relationships and shapes right.  As you can see, they have large heads, long bodies and an abundance of hair.  They can be various combinations of Black, white and grey.  They also come in a light brown (or blonde) with white.

2.  I was using very soft pastels which makes small marks difficult.  I will do the next one in a larger size to give myself a little break.  I used pastel pencils for some of the detail, but it’s hard when the first layer is very soft.

3. I’m also planning on a different color for the background.  Although I am suggesting grass and bushes in this painting, I’m not entirely happy with the green.  I’ll have to try some other colors out before I commit to a different background.

4. All in all, it’s a reasonable start, but not up to what I’ve done with other breeds, so stay tuned.

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100 Pastel Challenge-Nos. 62-65

Well, I’ve been working on completing this challenge, but haven’t posted the result for awhile.  Above are the most recent.

For newbies, this was a challenge to complete 100 versions of the same pastel.  You had to choose the size and a time limit (I chose 5 X 7 and 30 minutes) the idea being that this would force you to use colors that you wouldn’t normally choose.  And it has really worked for me.  I wasn’t aware how much I was reaching for the same colors when I painted a landscape.  But, I have to admit, I’m looking forward to finishing soon!


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100 Pastels Challenge #61

We’ve been visiting family in the SF bay area and I just had to jump in and get something done.  The is the 61st painting in the challenge.  I was going to just post groups of 4 in the future, but couldn’t resist posting this.

We had a great time in Marin (I didn’t tell everyone that we brought the sunny days up there with us!)  Actually, we had a little rain on Saturday, but the barbecue on Sunday was in a wonderful sunny day and the three birthday cakes (this was a family celebration), were perfect.


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Our guild’s Spring Show was yesterday and I’m thrilled to have won two ribbons

Our guild’s Spring Show was yesterday and I’m thrilled to report that I got two ribbons: one was third place for Kansas Farm and an honorable mention for Marshland.  I had entered three pastel paintings as shown below.  Yeah!

Marshland is very proud of her ribbon!

as is Kansas Farm

and the runner-up was Farm in the Valley!

Yes, I was very, very pleased!

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Marshland in Pastel

This was done on a heavy watercolor paper, first roughing in the background colors, then going over this with brush and water.  This is a process used by many pastelists to put in the background without filling the texture of the paper, thus allowing several layers of pastel as needed.  Once pastel has filled the texture, the color just slides off as you try to add more.  You have a couple of options when that happens, such as spraying with fixitive  which allows a little more pastel to be applied, or you can taka a stiff brush and remove portions of the painting to be changes.

I had picked up an off-brand of watercolor paper to work on and discovered during the process that the paper was a little too textured.  I’ll be keeping the pad for future watercolors, but using  this particular paper for pastels was especially difficult.

I have the process steps below.  The painting is 7-1/2 X  11-1/2 using primarily Unison pastels. Enjoy!

Here is the painting before completing the blending with water.  The sloping horizon line is due to a sloppy photo edit.

Background is now blended.

Here is the beginning of adding the marsh grasses, next is reflections in the water and completing the sky and cloud colors.


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Studio – sort of

I thought I’d show you how I work at a table easel….today was a larger pastel than normal.  I’m hoping to get the last of the stuff arranged or removed from this small bedroom so I can set up my studio easel.  I haven’t worked on it in over a year, but I have some larger work in progress (or at least in the queue) and they are much better done on a regular easel.

By the way, does anyone know where all this stuff comes from?


100 Pastel milestone-60 done

Ok, that’s numbers 57, 58, 59 and 60.

So, I’ll probably go back to watercolor for awhile.   …..wait a minute….I already said that didn’t I? I think I mean it this time.

I hope you are all enjoying my struggle to make each one different.  Only 40 more to go!!



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Yellow Roses

I’ve been feeling the urge to get back into watercolor.  This was done on a 7 X 10 Cotman watercolor pad with transparent MaimeriBlu watercolors.  It’s so hot here today that I had to paint something “light”.


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100 Pastel Challenge No. 56

Yes, here’s another one.  Today was full of errands and paperwork.   I’ve discovered that it’s nice to have something going that doesn’t need a lot of thought and simple decisions to relax a little.

I hope you are all enjoying this challenge.


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